
Here are the funniest questions to ask your members in webcam modeling!

webcam modeling

Breaking the ice can be difficult not only on a first date but also when you meet a member in webcam modeling for the first time. Since we are strictly talking about a non-adult cam studio, saying or doing something extremely sexual is out of the question and you should improvise, without disappointing your members. As we already know, men are men and, no matter what they find themselves doing or in what circumstance they are, they always think about seeing you naked. In these conditions, you have to improvise and replace these thoughts with something as enticing and exciting, or maybe even more.

For example, you should try surprising your members in webcam modeling with the following funny questions. They were selected by our friends at Studio 20 –, the biggest and most successful non-adult cam studio in the world, with locations in 5 countries from 3 continents. We are absolutely sure they will surprise you when reading them the first time, therefore you can be sure they will surprise your members too. The look on their face will be priceless, whether they look surprised, confused, or simply amazed by your approach. Without further ado, here are the questions.

The funniest questions to ask in non-adult webcam modeling

webcam modeling

1. If someone only saw your Spotify or Netflix accounts, who would they think you are? Actually, this is a very good question that says a lot about people. Judging solely on your Spotify or Netflix footprint, is your member one of the cool guys, or just a shy nerd? And, more importantly, will he have the power to admit the truth? Just ask and you will find out!

2. What’s a word you pronounced wrong your whole life? Of course, this isn’t a question only about the word itself. Yes, you will laugh with your member in webcam modeling, but the real substrate of this question is to find out if they are able to admit their mistakes, and laugh at themselves. These are two of the most important aspects that define a human being and say a lot about their quality.

3. What’s a book you’ve never read but pretend to have read? As with any other question in webcam modeling, there is no right or wrong answer. However, the way that members react to this question, what they answer, and how quickly they do it also say a lot about their personalities. Some of them could say they never did such a thing, while others might name a few cool books, such as Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings.

4. What’s the weirdest thing about you that most people wouldn’t guess from looking at you? Webcam modeling is a great place for introspection, finding out, and saying different things about yourself. And this is a really good question to put members in a difficult situation, if not interesting, to say the least. Of course, any other interesting question is welcome, as long as the result is the same: enticing your member and making them spend as much time as possible in the private chat with you.

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